Reed Ogrosky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Program Director
Grace E. Harris Hall, 1015 Floyd Ave., room 4168 and 4182
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of North Carolina
Dissertation: “Modeling liquid film flow inside a vertical tube”
Advisers: Prof. Roberto Camassa and Prof. Greg Forest - B.S. in Mathematics and Economics, Duke University
Research Interests
Ogrosky's research interests lie in the area of applied mathematics, primarily in the development and study of mathematical models for nonlinear phenomena in fluid dynamics and atmospheric science. He uses a combination of analytical and numerical methods to study both deterministic and stochastic models. He also uses a variety of statistical, experimental, and data analysis techniques to compare model results with observations and experiments.
Select Publications
- Camassa, R., Marzuola, J., Ogrosky, H.R. & Vaughn, N. 2016 Traveling waves for a model of gravity-driven film flows in cylindrical domains. Physica D 333, 254-265.
- Ogrosky, H.R. & Stechmann, S.N. 2016 Identifying convectively coupled equatorial waves using theoretical wave eigenvectors. Mon. Wea. Rev. 144, 2235-2264.
- Camassa, R. & Ogrosky, H.R. 2015 On viscous film flows coating the interior of a tube: thin-film and long-wave models. J. Fluid Mech. 772, 569-599.
- Ogrosky, H.R. & Stechmann, S.N. 2015 The MJO skeleton model with an observation-based background state and forcing. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 141, 2654-2669.
- Camassa, R., Ogrosky, H.R. & Olander, J. 2014 Viscous film flow coating the interior of a vertical tube. Part I. Gravity-driven flow. J. Fluid Mech. 745, 682-715.
- Stechmann, S.N. & Ogrosky, H.R. 2014 The Walker circulation, diabatic heating, and outgoing longwave radiation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 9097-9105.
- 2016-Present Assistant Professor, VCU Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
- 2013-2016, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Mathematics