Suzanne Robertson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, 2009 [Title: "Spatial Patterns in Stage-Structured Populations with Density Dependent Dispersal" Adviser: Prof. Jim Cushing]
- B.S. in Mathematics (Chemistry minor), College of William & Mary, 2003
Research Interests
- Discrete and continuous dynamical systems with applications in ecology and epidemiology
Select Publications
- Robertson, S.L. and Cushing, J.M. 2012. A bifurcation analysis of stage-structured density dependent integrodifference equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 388(1): 490-499
- Robertson, S.L., Cushing, J.M. and Costantino, R.F. 2012. Life stages: interactions and spatial patterns. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74: 491-508
- Robertson, S.L., Eisenberg, M.C. and Tien, J. 2013. Heterogeneity in multiple transmission pathways: modeling the spread of cholera and other waterborne disease in networks with a common water source. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 7(1): 254-275
- Robertson, S.L. and Caillouet, K.A. 2016. A host stage-structured model of enzootic West Nile virus transmission to explore the effect of avian stage-dependent exposure to vectors, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 399: 33-42
- Schaefer, E., Caillouet, K.A. and Robertson, S.L. 2018. Methods for prophylactic management of West Nile virus using a stage-structured avian host-vector model with vaccination, larvicide, and adulticide, Natural Resource Modeling, e12165
- Demers, J., Bewick, S., Agusto, F.B., Caillouet, K.A., Fagan, W.F. and Robertson, S.L. 2020. Managing disease outbreaks: The importance of vector mobility and spatially heterogeneous control, PLOS Computational Biology, 16(8), e1008136
- Zimmerman, M.P., Chan, D.M., Kester, K.M., Rael, R.C. and Robertson, S.L. 2021 The effects of allelochemical transfer on the dynamics of hosts, parasitoids, and competing hyperparasitoids, Natural Resource Modeling, 34 (3), e12311
Professional Activities
- Editorial Board, Natural Resource Modeling
- Reviewer for Journal of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of Biological Dynamics, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Applicable Analysis