VCU Math Circle, Held on Certain Sundays

ellipsis-shaped enclosure inside the college of humanities and sciences stem building at v.c.u.

Dates: Sunday, Nov 17, 2024 – Sunday, Apr 13, 2025

Location: 817 W. Franklin St, Math Exchange

Audience: 8th - 12th grade students

We welcome all 8–12th graders with an interest in math and who like to learn new ideas through interactive exploration! The sessions cover novel and entertaining uses of math. They are not a continuation of the usual school curriculum, so no particular prior knowledge is needed. Light refreshments will be served.

Sessions are held periodically from Sunday, Nov 17, 2024 – Sunday, Apr 13, 2025.


Please email to register (include name, grade, and school). This is a free event and you may sign up any time for any of our sessions! Further information will be emailed to those registered shortly before the meeting.

Sunday, March 23

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Faculty Leader

Dr. Hudson Lafayette


Agency in Problem Solving!


Where we’ll start: If you hang a picture with string looped around two nails and then remove one of the nails, the picture will still hang from the other nail, right? This holds true if the picture is hung in the typical way, but if the picture is hung differently, removing either nail will cause it to fall. We will consider this tricky, seemingly impossible problem and approach it using an informal version of the scientific method.

Where we’ll finish: Through this puzzle we will demonstrate that a difficult problem (not even necessarily mathematical or scientific) can be altered to an easier problem. Why? To gain understanding towards a solution or perhaps just to see what is difficult about the problem. At times in real life, even a partial solution works or you realize the main difficulty of the problem wasn't actually necessary for the situation you were in.

Canceled - Sunday, February 9

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Faculty Leader

Dr. Allison Moore


The twisted and tangled mathematics of braids


Braids and knots are familiar to anyone who has crafted a friendship bracelet or braided their hair. But did you know that braids can be encoded with math, and even hold the key to understanding certain algebraic structures? Join us for exploration of the mathematics of braids. We'll learn how to encode braids, analyze them, and even try out a card game based on their mathematical properties.

Friday, January 17 

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

(Rescheduled from December 8)

Please note that this Math Circle will be held on a Friday, not a Sunday.

Faculty Leader

Dr. Nicola Tarasca


AMC/AIME Puzzles, Problem & Practice


The AMC and AIME are math competitions with interesting questions involving arithmetic, algebra, counting, geometry, number theory, and probability. This math circle will be devoted to the types of problems found in AMC competitions. The AMC 8 will be hosted in January at VCU, and this session will serve as both a practice session, and also an introduction to these competitions for students who might be interested in the future. Students do not have to be registered for the competitions to enjoy the math circle.

Sunday, November 17 

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Faculty Leader

Dr. Punit Gandhi


The Chaos Game!


Where we’ll start: Pick any point within an equilateral triangle to begin. Randomly pick one of the corners and move half the distance toward that corner. What does the path look like after many repeated iterations of this process?

Where we’ll finish: Surprising patterns can emerge from simple and/or random processes when iterated many times. We'll investigate when this does and does not happen in the context of the chaos game described above. We'll also explore properties of the patterns when they do appear.

Upcoming Dates

Sunday, April 13

Information to be announced soon!

Event contact: Hilary Cassil,