Geometry Summer Camp, June 12 - 16, 2023

Dates: Monday, Jun 12, 2023 – Friday, Jun 16, 2023
Start time: 8:45 a.m.
End time: 3:15 p.m.
Location: VCU campus (building and room(s) TBA)
Audience: Middle school students
Dates: June 12-16, 2023
Drop-Off Window: 8:15 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Pick-Up Window: 3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
The Geometry Summer Camp will be held at VCU in summer 2023. This activity is designed for middle school students and is funded by VCU Breakthroughs Project - Symmetry, Surfaces, and Knots: Empowering Middle School Students through Experiential Activities in Geometry.
This camp is open to middle school; priority is given to students enrolled in Richmond Public Schools. Students involved in this project will receive supplemental education in a math enrichment summer program on geometry. The study is focused on mathematics teaching methods in geometry. The math program will be held during summer on the VCU campus, taught and organized by VCU mathematics faculty and researchers.
Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Activities and Participation
Explore the geometry of surfaces, symmetries, knots and more with engaging, hands-on mathematics activities.
Interact with mathematicians and researchers in a welcoming collegiate environment and see the VCU campus (weather permitting).
Research Component
We will collect and analyze the following, as part of the Geometry Summer Camp:
Surveys: Demographics data (student gender, ethnicity, grade level) & Motivation/Engagement Survey, about the activities and math.
Photos of what your child builds, draws, and writes in a Math Journal.
Our observation notes of class.
Audio- and video-recordings of class, focused on teacher.
(Optional) Short interview with other students, about the math activities. This will be audio-recorded.
(Optional) Permission for us to request your standardized test scores from your district, so we can assess the impact of the camp.
There is no tuition or enrollment fees, no entrance exams, and no standardized testing associated with this program. This program is voluntary and non-compulsory.
If you are interested in participating, please pre-register online. Admission is first-come, first-serve. Parental research consent forms must be received first to confirm registration.
Research Consent Forms
Parental Research Consent Form
Please read the full Parental Research Consent Form. A packet containing research consent and camp enrollment forms will be emailed to parent/guardian(s) prior to the start of the camp. Admission to the camp is conditional upon submitting these forms. We will confirm your spot via email after receiving the forms.
Youth Consent Form
We will also explain the research components to your student the first day of the camp and request they sign the Youth Assent Form. Students who do not sign the student form can still take part in the camp.
Marco Aldi (Dept. of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, CHS),
Christine Lee Bae (Assistant Professor, Foundations Of Education, SOE),
Allison Moore (Dept. of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, CHS),
Rani Satyam (Dept. of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, CHS),
Nicola Tarasca (Dept. of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, CHS).
Event contact: Geometry Camp Faculty,