Math Colloquium: The Geometry of String Compactifications

Lara Anderson
Lara Anderson in front of chalkboard

Date: Friday, Apr 28, 2023

Start time: 3:00 p.m.

End time: 4:00 p.m.

Location: Harris Hall 4169

We will outline the rich interplay between geometry and physics in string compactifications. In particular, we will highlight connections between efforts to classify gauge and gravitational theories in diverse dimensions with progress in the Minimal Model Program and bounding/characterizing manifolds of SU(3) structure and Mumford stable holomorphic bundles over them. A key tool in this progress is the notion of topology-changing geometric transitions which arise naturally in string theory.

Anderson is an Assistant Professor of Physics and Affiliate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech. Anderson is a Hamlett Junior Faculty Fellow and is in the Theoretical Particle Physics and String Theory Group. Her research focuses on various aspects of geometry and particle phenomenology in string theory. 

Colloquium Seminars are held on select Fridays throughout the year. These broad audience presentations are intended to introduce the VCU community to the world of mathematics. Colloquium presentations explore topics in mathematics, applied mathematics, math history and education, and the exciting connections between math, science, art and humanities. 

Sponsor(s): Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Event contact: Nicola Tarasca,