Screening of Journeys of Black Mathematicians

Film poster for Journeys of Black Mathematicians, featuring black mathematicians and a geometric background

Date: Tuesday, Apr 1, 2025

Start time: 4:00 PM

End time: 5:00 PM

Location: Harris Hall 4153

Journeys of Black Mathematicians : Creating Pathways introduces new characters, highlighting the lives of Black pioneers in mathematics from the 20th century. It also examines the impact of segregation and prejudice on the lives and careers of individuals first featured in Forging Resilience. 

The film focuses on the stories of mathematicians who attended predominantly White institutions (PWIs), surveying a range of attitudes around identity, and on these scholars’ achievements in a variety of fields. Basic questions about the beauty and philosophical meanings of mathematics are explored as extensions of the personal journeys. 

In the final minutes, several programs aimed at increasing the number of African Americans in the STEM fields are documented.

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Event contact: Ellie Roberts,