Geometry & Topology Seminar

  • Modality: In-Person and/or Zoom 
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 964 9977 5895
  • Zoom Password: The password is 10 characters long, consisting of the name of the ancient Greek mathematician who wrote "Elements" (first letter capitalized) followed by the first 4 primes.

Geometry GitHub

Hosted by Nicola Tarasca.


Spring 2025 Schedule

Date Time Location Speaker Affiliation Title
Jan. 24 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Giuseppe Cotardo Virginia Tech

Rank-metric lattices and finite geometry

Feb. 7 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Ilarion Melnikov James Madison University

The stringy geometry of integral cohomology in mirror symmetry

Feb. 21 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Tianyuan Xu University of Richmond

On maximal sets of orthogonal roots

Feb. 28 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Seppo Niemi-Colvin Indiana University

A kitchen sink surgery formula for knot lattice homotopy

Mar. 28 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Bryson Owens University of Illinois Chicago


Apr. 11 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Jianqi Liu University of Pennsylvania

Applications of the factorization theorem of conformal blocks in vertex operator algebras


Fall 2024 Schedule

Date Time Location Speaker Affiliation Title
Aug. 30 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Louisa Liles University of Virginia

Thompson's Groups, Annular Links, and Tangles

Sep. 20 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Joe Boninger Boston College

Obstructing Cosmetic Crossing Changes

Oct. 25 3:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Leo Herr Virginia Tech

The log Grothendieck group of varieties

Nov. 1 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Renzo Cavalieri Colorado State University

Tropical psi classes and tropicalizations of psi classes

Nov. 15 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 Tristan Hubsch Howard University

Mirror Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces in Spaces of general Type

Dec. 6 1:00 P.M. Harris Hall 4145 John Machacek Hampden-Sydney College

Gorenstein Toric Varieties from Posets